See the light within, be a Star on Earth
See the light within, be a Star on Earth
The Major Arcana cards contain Hebrew letters originally attributed to each card by Eliphas Levi.
Wrote by Claudine Aegerter, founded The Connaissance School of Numerology, UK and Berenice Benjelloun, teacher at The Connaissance School of Numerology and is Vice Chair of the Association Internationale de Numerologues.
Healing with Flowers Attunement Cards reflect the vibrancy and potency of the essences. They are tools that develop understanding of the flowers, help to access the intuition and to gain insight into the essence of archetypal energies for healing. The cards can be used as an aid to selecting essences, or choose one or more cards to gain insight into an issue or area of your life that needs illuminating, clarifying or balancing.
A set of Chakra Colors (Red, orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Purple, Magenta) Silk Clothes. Using for energy healing and color therapy.
Size: 19.5cm x 19.5cm
Disclaimer: The information from Star School is provided for educational purposes and general informational only. This is not a substitute for professional health advice and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent any disease or predict future. Before taking any actions, we encourage you to consult with appropriate medical and healthcare professionals.