See the light within, be a Star on Earth
See the light within, be a Star on Earth
Family/Systemic Constellation is soul work that follows "movements of the Spirit-Mind". It allows us to reveal the truth that is behind what we see on the surface, and it brings the awareness of our subconscious into our life. It is a powerful holistic healing tool use for living life fully and in an alignment with our body (physical, emotion and mental), soul and spirit. It teaches us to embrace everything as it is, to be who and where you are with your strength to flow with life in peaceful and happiness.
"It is a training for life" Bert Hellinger
Alfred Adler was the first one using the terms "Family Constellation". It was referring to inherit trauma that individual belongs and bonded to other members in the family system.
Bert Hellinger later on in 1978 developed and evolved the "Family Constellation" to his method, as "Movements of the Spirit-Mind". He expanded the work to the world and operated the Hellinger School - "It is a training for life". He died in 2019 and his 2nd wife Sophie Hellinger is now further developing Family Constellation.
We inherited our DNA from our parents and ancestors. Some subconscious patterns, traumas and belief also inherited and making us entangle with certain mind-sets that effecting our physical behavior, emotion and mental. Including life and death, belongs or not.
FC is a great holistic tool to help us to identify the entanglements in us in different perspectives and to release the bonding that holding us back towards life. Able to free ourselves and embrace our true self (soul) to live. FC could apply to any relationship in your life, no matter with any issues, emotions, thinking, belief, or yourself, family, couple, children, career, finance, disease, etc. To learn life, and to connect with life.
No matter you are the one who is being worked on, the representative, or the witness, you may be touched and learnt from the work, physically, emotionally and mentally, consciously and unconsciously. There is no coincidence.
Our mind may not understand and would want to know the details of everything. However, this work works well when we let our mind to trust and follow our sensation that guided by spirit in the field. When we are in resonance to the field, suddenly you will realize what is happening and reflecting your own issues in a quantum way. At the same time, solution will be given impulses.
You may not be able to explain what's going on in you or what did release at the beginning. In time, more you in touch the work, more you will aware you and your life change somehow. You will raise your awareness in daily life.
Everyone included in the work or more would be beneficial from family constellation. Yourself, family, couple, children, career, finance, disease, etc.
No matter you are the one who is being worked on, the representative, or the witness, you will gain different experience in all aspects (physical, emotional, mental, soul and spirit) to reveal your life of what you needed - from your soul point of view. It helps you to raise your awareness from subconscious to relate whatever situations in your life.
Once its touched, your life energy where stagnated starting to flow and your life starting to change. Only key point for this work is be mind-opened, it will blow your mind and mind-sets.
Family Constellation could conduct in a couple ways:
1) Group workshop
We sit in a circle and this workplace we called "field" that will follow the spirit guidance and welcome what is needed to be showed. A case from client and according to the case, facilitator will guild client to pick participants in the group to represent as representatives as the person/elements. movement to movement slowly from representatives, the field will show us the dynamic of the issue and reflecting in a quantum way. Solution will be given impulses.
Below 2 on Netflix showed the work, you may watch it to know more about the style of work.
(Note: every facilitator works differently)
- "Sex, Love and Goop" Episode 5
- "Another Self", are TV show
Even if it is not working on your issue, the case picked would be benefit to everyone in the group in certain way. There is no coincidence.
2) Individual session
It could conduct in similar way as the group session; however, facilitator would use different objects as representatives to shows what needed to be seen to the client. Client would be the one tuning in to different representative (objects) to understand the dynamic of the issue.
Another way is using papers as the steps of the issue in a spiral. Client will experience each step as a process, from the issue that blinding him/her, to find the own way out with support.
3) Online
Energy has no time and space. Online will conduct the same result as in person.
All different ways have a space and meaning to be existed. There is no better or worse. Follow your heart to experience what you need and there is no coincidence.
Have your intention. Be open and be present for the experiences. Be honest to what is truth in you every moment. Bring the willingness and courage to face what is showing that would allow the energy flows. Remember that it is your life and you are the key for your life.
Facilitator will guild client to pick representatives from the group to represent the person/elements that client's issue needed. Honour yourself to say yes or no.
Being representative may know a little or even nothing of what client's issue is. When stepping into the field, relax and follow your sensation. Move, if necessary, slowly, the energy will guild you. For example, step back, turn away, look down, lay down on floor, close your eyes, etc. Representatives may also feel strong emotions and that is normal. Remember to breath and trust the work.
For the group work, you may not be picked as representatives. However, remember you are part of the group and be present. Being a witness is a powerful position to support. You will feel what is resonated by witnessing. You will also learn and experience in different angle and perspectives.
Personally, I released some energies that didn't serve me anymore by witnessing.
There is no coincidence.
Depends on the cases, your purpose your willingness, your readiness, and your soul path. You may get what you need at the moment in one workshop, or you may want to learn more about your life and it takes years.
Looking at life or even one trauma event is like gazing a crystal ball, you may look from above, or below, from left, or right. Issues and traumas (personal, family, and collective) are necessary to have at some points for every human being according to our level of consciousness and point of views. The key is how we could face (no more running away or fighting) and learn from them, in order to connect to the love that with wisdom and embrace everything as it is (included all the people, happenings and emotions), so that we could stand on our own feet and have strength to face whatever life flowing to us with peace and happiness.
No. The things we need to conduct this work is you and your intention.
Yes, we could still work on the relationship / issues even related to the person who has passed away. There has no time and space.
For adults, to be respectful their soul, destiny and will, we are only able to work on the issues that client has. We could work on you if that related to you and impacting you. For children who is under 18 years old, yes, we could work on it with parent's permission.
At my first facilitator training in Germany, I have been told that we need to work on ourselves lifelong. And we need continuously to learn and represent in this work for 5 years, then you could lead some excises, and at least 10 years before you could facilitate. I didn't believe it. However, more I work on myself and learning, more I understand the meaning of it. We only could see what we could see, and we only could bring clients to where we are. If the facilitator is facing death, he/she unable to bring people to life. The world is evolving and expanding, like a river of life continuous flowing, the family constellation skills and the society has changed in times too. Family Constellation work is a tool as other alternative holistic modalities for us to learn flowing with our life, and it is the lifelong journey.
Besides attending the Family Constellation workshops and trainings, reading books and watching the documented videos are another part of learning, to help us facing our life. It helps us to expand our mind to connect the language of soul at the field (session) what is happening. At esoteric study, knowledge + experience = wisdom, and then it will become part of your vibration.
Bert Hellinger has written over 110 books. These have been translated into 38 languages (available at Amazon). Some Bert Hellinger documented videos are available on YouTube.
There are some other people written books regarding to this modality, recommended to explore and learn from different people and approach.
Everyone is human being and not sainthood, we are all perfectly imperfect and at the same time, we all are prefect as it is and it was. And we still have a lot of work to do. Everyone has their place in different position to bring out their own package of qualities and potential to manifest the plan. We are all projecting to each other to reflect our inner truth at the moment, to learn life. Every facilitator is unique in their ways due to their learning, life experience, belief, level of awareness and consciousness, etc. Who you are attracted to or resonate with may contain and reflect what your needed for that moment and now. There is no good or bad, better or worse. Everything happens has a meaning depends on how you interpret and there is no coincident. Follow your life, your intuition and your heart.
In 2014, Family Constellation came into my life to show me the ways to look wider from the soul point of views as student of soul, in order to see the love and truth behind the appearance in life, especially the relationship with parents. By purifying the misunderstandings of life, that began to heal my wounds and traumas from my childhood and settle the subconscious entanglements with my family and ancestors, also myself this life and past life. Since then, anger, sadness, sorrow and guilty in myself and the family slowly transformed into acceptance and love.
First of my family constellation session was in a group workshop, I didn't believe what was showing regarding the relationship of me and my mom, and I didn't understand what was going on. I held my mind-set with anger and rage that she hated me and held the blame like a child, but the FC was showing me there was also love and she did her best. Although my mind didn't believe it and understand what was going on, I cried, and it touched my heart deeply.
Since then, I kept attending FC workshop monthly. I learnt and reflected a lot not only from my cases but also from representation and witnessing. About 2-3 years of time, I suddenly recognized that my life has been changed. I could talk to my mom and spend time with her calmly without years of anger and rage. I was more relaxing in daily life and able to respond instead of reacting. I started to understand what's going on at FC and the language of Soul.
In 2019, thank universe putting me to travel around the world, I started my official FC facilitator training in Germany. Then, attending different workshops and trainings with different teachers and facilitators in the world (Italy, Germany, Holland, England, Canada, Hong Kong, USA, etc). FC teaches me how to live life and I devoted myself to family Constellation and Esoteric Numerology as my lifelong learning tools. By firming where I am and what position in the family/world I am standing, I could firmly to know what I need to do in life by following my heart and understanding more about oneness.
FC helped me:
- Learning how love my parents as they are and improved our relationship in a healthy way.
- Knowing my truth feelings and able to communicate from heart with courage and honesty.
- Letting go my fantasy dreaming and expectation to look at the truth and realism.
- Raising my awareness to discern what is the essence and truth of happening quicker.
- Growth up and take my responsibilities as an adult with strength.
- Enjoying my life to experience up and down with more peace and happiness.
- Standing on my place in the family, to belong, so that able to set my healthy boundaries.
- Embracing everything as it is and it was, to set myself free.
- Aligning with physical, emotion, mind and soul (heart).
- Having more capacity listening to spirit with trust.
Disclaimer: The information from Star School is provided for educational purposes and general informational only. This is not a substitute for professional health advice and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent any disease or predict future. Before taking any actions, we encourage you to consult with appropriate medical and healthcare professionals.